Type: Mixed
Narrative structure: closed, linear, single strand
Themes: crime/murder, family, how to define whether someone is a 'psychopath' or not
Camera work:
- Interview: either medium close up or close up and were framed to the left or the right of the screen. The eye level was always about 1/3 of the way down the screen. This is all conventional of an interview.
- creative camera work was used
- Pan: along buildings, scenery, fences, windows.
- Point of view: used in police car and inside the house at the scene of the crime.
- Hand held: inside of the house, in the living room, up the stairs, at the scene of the crime.
- Zoom: used on images, centering in on specific parts of the picture, used on news paper to see the headline.
- Camera on floor level
- Over the shoulder: inside police car.
- Varying camera shots were used: medium and extreme close ups, close up, and long shot.
Mise en scene:
- Interviews were taken in various locations.
- Certain interview backgrounds: blurred as not to cause distraction.
- Sound effects: doorbells, kicking sound, footsteps, helicopter, police sirens, camera clicks.
- Voice over: Male, middle aged, clear delivery and standard English.
- 90's music
- The music anchors the images on screen.
- Cut is the most common edit used.
- Dissolve on some of the archive material.
- Blur: police light, children on swing and people in pub.
- Faded image over reconstruction
- Wavy camera affect of Bamber on the tractor and working in the farm.
Archive material:
- Family photos
- News
- Video's from news shows
- Video's of events: street party, shops, the village in the 80's.
- Music video
- Police photographs of the crime scene
- Images of the court sketching
- News paper
As i couldn't find an extract of the documentary, i added this video which was used as archive material in the documentary 'killing mum and dad'.
These images are also used as archive material in the documentary i analyses.
- Title sequence: white, child like writing
White, sans serif writing: 'reconstruction', names, and relation to the topic. - Black screen with white, sans serif writing: extra information.
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